Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ramblings of a HOT Summer Day

The last week or so, has been busy. . . I think. . . Seems at least three days was spent entertaining cousins from down the road. . . That's okay. . .  what else better is there to do in the summer?  There have been many activities going on from work to play.

Here, Brother had decided the best way to unroll a spool of wire in our process to rewire our hotwire fence.

Sissy Dog playing dress up and undercover for the CIA.  Oh the antics of a little boy!


The HOT summer time is the perfect time to grill outdoors. . . It helps keep the house cooler and provides great nutrition.  And I found a new way to clean the grill rack. . .  Good thing I fire it before actually using it.

Dally doing her part.

Where we live. . . you can never be certain what is lurking in the woods.  Thank goodness for the brave wamoose hunters that help protect us from really large beasts that could devour us.

Wamoose Hunting Cousins.

As hard as it was, little boys managed to find some patience to wait until it was a bit cooler (less than 100 degrees) to do their fishing. . .But it was still pretty durned hot! 

Cousin's first catch of the day.

Sister learned she would be getting her commercial steers for the 2012 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo this week during her trip to San Saba, Texas.  This means building another pen for them since they cannot be penned with her 2012 County market steer.  Thankfully, part of the work was done for her but the existing pen needed expanding.  Cousin from Down the Road said he'd help her of which I am thankful, as well.  What a back saver!  We made sure to feed him good.  They were funny to watch, giving each other a hard time as they went.

Whose Working Harder?

Still trying to figure out who is working harder.

Holding her mouth right?

How many munckins does it take to twist a wire?

And I finally figured out where and how the yucca got started on the place and surrounding area. . . Granny. . .she always keeps me guessing.

More lost flowers found on one of our cross fences.

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