2011-2012 Show Animal Projects

Monday, June 27, 2011

Around the middled of June, Sister went with her ag teacher, and a bunch of other kids, out to San Saba to the Jordan Livestock Auction to purchase prospects for the 2012 Houston Livestock Show Commercial Steer Show. 

Here are her prospects.


Saturday, July 6, 20011

I got the call on Thursday to go pick up Sister's halter steer project for the county show.  Though she'd decided to visit with her grandmother, I went ahead and got him for her (Brother was a big help). 

She'd wanted to get with her ag teacher so that we could take him by the ag shop and weigh him before she ever started on him.  He weighed in at a whopping 570 pounds.  Not too bad for him being of midget height in comparison to her last halter steer who'd of made a better riding project due to his really large frame size.  But it is only the first of August, we shall see how it goes.  He has quite the personality as he seems to be really smart and curious but very cautious at the same time.

Poor baby was just being pulled off his mama when we picked him up.  He had a rough day and he seems camera shy (actually, not sure of people) at this point.  By last evening, though he was looking for humans and food.  This is good.
Oh, and the way he loaded on the trailer when we picked him up, Brother and I have dubbed him Rowdy.

This kiddo is out to break the bank.  I hope it will be worth as she want to work in the beef industry after college either in feedyards or as a veterinarian.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yesterday morning, Sister was able to get her hands on her halter steer for the first time.  Her dad, thankfully, was there as back up.  This is one stout little booger.

Not sure why her arms are behind her back.

A battle of wills.

Using a little leverage.

Daddy to the rescue.

Look at that face!

Maybe if I stick my tongue out and bawl, maybe I can get away from him.

Little girl trying to get close.

Having to think about it.

The face of concentration.

Progress being made?

Maybe, if I can just scratch him?

I am not liking this one little bit.  (Notice the tongue.)

I still want no part of  this.

Not long after, he did manage to get away.  We have got to get a stout post up to tie him to and just leave him for short time periods.  Rowdy managed to get turned and was able to four-wheel away from Daddy.  The old man was sore today when he got up.  It has been a long time since he had to pull on anything like that.  I am just glad he is home for now to be able to help her.  They will manage to get him settled down and leading in no time.  Got to have faith in them.

1 comment:

  1. From Sharon Grace: this is very interesting to read! Looking forward to more.
